Who would have thought that we would have two birthdays on March 24th? Just like with McKenna I had an induction scheduled for 6:30 am on March 25th. Well, like his big sis, Zachary didn't want to wait. I started feeling contractions around 5:30pm on the 24th. They got stronger and stronger, so we left for the hospital around an hour later. We got all checked in, and they checked me, telling me I was about 4cm, and that they would re-check me in 2 hours. After about 30 minutes I could hardly stand the contractions, and asked if she could recheck me. I was at 6cm, so they decided to get the bloodwork for my epidural started. Luckily the Biggest Loser was playing so I had something to distract me. I had the epidural, then Dr. Hancock came and checked me saying that I was getting close. I was glad he was on call, because he delivered Kenna as well. About 10:15 I started pushing, and 4 pushes later out came Zachary Mace at 10:28pm. He weighed in at 8lbs 11oz (and may have been more but he pooped and peed everywhere as soon as he was born!) He was 20.5 inches long with a 14inch noggin!
This experience was so much different than with Kenna...basically in labor for 3 hours and done. The hospital stay was short as well, just staying a day and a half. We had lots of visitors and got to stay in the new wing at Mercy. So far he is a great baby, eating and sleeping with little crying in between! If I can get him to sleep more than a few hours straight at night life will be better, but really no complaints!
Thank goodness Grandma Rue is here. She has been taking care of Kenna mostly, doing puzzles over and over and over. She has also kept gormet meals in our fridge complete with dessert! Josh asked her what kind of car she wanted us to buy her when she moves in full time :)
--first photo of the three of us, right after he was born--
--Zachary's first photo --
--Mommy and Zachary--
--the next morning Kenna got to meet Zachary--
--she is a great big sister and just loves him!--
--looking at him with daddy--
--staring adoringly--
--checking out his crib--
--all she wanted to do was hold him, the whole hospital visit--
--getting a closer look--
--gona came early on Wednesday to visit--
--baca came shortly thereafter--
--we also had visits from the andersen's, so Chloe got some big sister practice before her sister gets here in a few weeks--
--chad practicing his baby holding skills--
--aunti em came on thursday before we went home--
On Thursday afternoon we left the hospital and headed home. I was glad I didn't have to stay till Friday, although I miss the nurses changing diapers and taking him at night so I could sleep!
--taking a snooze at home--
--Rylee sleeping next to her new brother--
--I thought it was pretty cool that my Amarylis were in full bloom for Zachary's arrival, they only bloom once a year!--
--Kenna loves to help with everything from diaper changes to bathtime, man did he hate his first bath!--
I feel so lucky to have two healthy wonderful children. Zachary has already assimilated perfectly into our family. Kenna has shown no signs of jealousy and just seems to LOVE her baby brother. She does a great job being gentle and caring and I think she is going to be a big help!! Thank you to everyone who helped through the transition! And special thanks to gramma rue for making this experience extra fun for Kenna!