Friday, April 27, 2012

Major Milestones!

Grayson took his first steps last week (only doing 3-4 at a time...but not far from walking!) He is also saying maamaamaa-maa maa. When he sees me or if I make silly noises he says ma ma. I am considering it his first word as he has been saying it a lot lately, and when he sees me! Two major occurrences in two weeks!

Monday, April 16, 2012

My Birthday Toy!

Look at my Purdee new toy! Saved for a year for this one! Now to start training for Ragbrai...100 days away....500 - 750 miles of training to do....

TIP testing

Kenna had her TIP testing last week. They perform their kata solo in front of a committee and then progress through the ranks. She received a stripe on her belt...and in a few weeks will qualify to advance a belt color (she's excited :)

She did an AMAZING job on her test...practiced really hard and got all the moves down perfectly! So proud of her!


I got a few movies from Kenna's dance practice, but only snapped this picture with my phone (I know lame....)

She looks super cute in her costume! This year seems like the class is a bit crowded and she hasn't learned quite as much...thinking about exploring other options next year :)

Kenna did a great job..she just loves this stuff!

Sunday, April 15, 2012


Spent a low key easter at gona and bacas. Kade rode the 4 wheeler. We looked at the baby ducks, who now look more like adult ducks, hauled a bunch of trees down to the burn pile and finished the day with a basketball game. Was fun just doing nothing together :)

The kids got some goodies at gona and bacas. The easter bunny brought a few things to our house too. Mostly outside toys like jumpropes, hulahoops and bubbles, a few goodies too ;)


Had to take this picture before Grayson grew out of his 9mo shirt! Been trying to get this for months...neither one really was in a picture mood, but how cute are my two superboys!?

Zachary MRI

One of the worst moments as a parent - watching your child go under anesthesia and lay down on a table almost lifeless...just awful.

The last step in our journey to determine what is going on with Zachey's eye happened on Thursday. We went in for a full MRI and CT. To do this 2.5 hour procedure Zachey had to go under anesthesia. I am not sure what was worse, watching them put an IV in his arm, or going under.

He had to stop eating at midnight on Wednesday. We went to the hospital at 8:30 on Thursday and did all the intake info. They rubbed numbing cream on the various places they might use for an IV site. We met with the nurses and doctor, as well as a child life rep who played with him and tried to distract him with an ipad while they were doing the IV. I think the numbing cream was a joke because he screamed for a long time as they tried to get it in. The first vein collapsed, so they had to use his other hand. He was pissed and screaming and it made me want to cry. I hadn't eaten breakfast either and the whole thing really made me dizzy.

Finally they got the IV in, taped it to his arm. I just sort of held him as he screamed as they administered the medicine that would knock him out. Within like a minute he collapsed, completely was horrible.

Josh and I were sobbing. We killed time in the cafeteria, playing games on our phones and just trying to talk about things not related to what was happening.

We got the call that everything was done and we almost ran to the recovery room. He slept for about an hour, when he woke up we were elated when he wanted to eat and drink something. He bounced back quickly, and by the time he got home he was almost 100% back to normal.

Dr. Gavin called that evening and informed us that there was absolutely nothing abnormal on Zachary's scans. He just has one pupil that dilates more than another....what a relief!!!