Tuesday, March 26, 2013

McKenna's Schooling

We could really not be more proud of McKenna academically. In our last meeting with Mrs. Dunne she said that she is doing so well. Reading at a 3rd grade level, asking great questions in class, using upper level thinking for retention and strategy. They work on Inquiry projects in class, coming up with a conjecture - and the research she does is quite impressive! We are sad that Mrs. Dunne is having her baby as I just really love what she has done with McKenna this year!

Here is a letter she sent me the other day:

Hi Brandi,

I wanted to let you know McKenna has been using some more sophisticated strategies for solving mental math problems. She has started using an open number line to get to the nearest ten and then move beyond it. For example, when adding 18 + 5, she is working on getting from 18 to 20 for two hops and then 20 to 23 for three hops. Then she can figure out 23 is the sum. She has been just on the cusp of this and seems to now be able to do it more independently.  She'll be able to explain it better in person than I can via e-mail! It's exciting to see her using this kind of strategy! Have a great day!

McKenna - if you are reading this, know that Mommy and Daddy are SOOO proud of you and hope that you always have this thirst for learning! 

Thursday, March 21, 2013


Zachey is SOOOO imaginative. He is constantly talking to his animal friends, saying things like "Mom did you see that unicorn?" and including them in his games and conversations. If you have ever seen the mask, Jim Carrey screams in a funny voice, "MAAAXXXX!" Zachey will say that randomly. Maybe when we are getting our shoes on, brushing his teeth, really doing just about anything, he will shout "MAAAXXXX!" Very hilarious. I think he believes that he has an imaginary pet dog most of the time. Unfortunately he is also in a blaming stage. Max pushed me out of the chair, Max dropped my peas on the floor, Max did it.

It took a turn in the extreme direction the other day. He got out of the bath and was drying off in his room. As usual, he was messing around. It usually takes him 30 minutes of occasional prompting to do any simple task. I just let him play in his room, continuously asking "Do you have your jammies on yet?"

All of a sudden, a naked 3 year old boy comes screaming into my room. He was sobbing and yelling "MOM!! Max pooped on the floor!!" I go in his room and there is a small piece of poop on the floor! I looked at Rylee and she did not have her guilty look, I look at Zachey and he is sobbing. I took him in the bathroom and tried not to laugh. I sat him on the potty and asked him why he pooped on the floor.

He kept insisting that Max did it. I read that at this age, kids aren't really lying, because their world is really on the border of fantasy. But, that didn't keep me from making him own up to it. After a little discussion he told me that his "bum couldn't hold it in, he was reading a book and forgot to go into the bathroom."

This has never happened before or since - sure he will be appalled some day to read this, but pretty funny looking back.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Kenna Dinner

Kenna really loves to help in the kitchen. She is getting quite good, really likes to make things look pretty :) She BEGGED me to let her make dinner while I went to get the boys this week. I don't like the idea of leaving her home, but I figured 15 minutes on her own was okay. She was not allowed to use knives or the stove without me. So I came home and she had washed and placed grapes in small bowls, arranged cheese, crackers and ham on the plate, and had a box of mac and cheese ready to go when I got home :) She even put out some fancy place mats and name tags...so cute!

This is Grayson's THRILLED face :)

My Boys Have the BEST Morning Hair :)

When You Leave Your Camera Out

Kenna's view of the world:

Family of Architects or Engineers? Maybe just Lego Designers :)

My kids, like most, are ALL about the legos. They will really get into a project and all three will be working together on something. Grayson has mastered the really tall tower :) Kenna loves to play with the magnetos, designing triangle houses :)

Goofing Around at Bedtime

 YES there is a giant hole in his toe...I just can't throw these out!

They Literally Did this for an Hour....

Zachary Sings "Back Together"

Another Zachary song. Try to ignore Grayson ENDLESSLY asking for juice in the background! :) He had two drinks...sheesh!

Taylor Swift singing it - in case you don't know the song:

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Valentines Day

I am not the most creative mom, but I did have a fun time helping Kenna make valentines this year!

 Here is her card holder...spray painted milk jug :)

 "You Rock, Valentine" poprocks, girls and boys version

 Made these with a pie press Kathy got me, aren't they cute! We did cookie dough pie, and cherry/nutella pie for daycare families

Also did some red chocolate party mix for my work friends at the school and daycare kids

And we had heart pizza for dinner

Seemed as though we were in a rush, but Kenna helped with a lot of the baking. She did all the pie cut outs and scooped the yummy stuff inside! She is becoming quite the helper in the kitchen!

Olivia crimped Kenna's hair :)