Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The Beach

I have craving some kid time this summer. With my crazy work hours, haven't had much time to have the kind of lazy summers I love. Last week I heard zachey talking about how he wanted to go to the beach. I said, what if we went to the beach today? He couldn't believe it! I told him I would pick him up early from Eskis that day. He replied " me and Grayson!!" So I left work around 3, picked up Kenna Megan and the boys, sand toys and a pizza. We had the best time!

Zachey was so afraid at first not wanting to even get near the water. After he saw Grayson and I enjoying it, he timidly tried it. Ended up wave hopping, building castles and not wanting to leave! He is just my more reserved one :) But once HE decides to do it, he's all in!

They have totally remodeled Bigcreek, great little retreat!

Daddy's helper

No one likes to help daddy more than Grayson. He will work until he us covered with sweat. Bath night mandatory around here these days! Check out these feet!!


On Sunday, Kenna and I rode our "tandom" bike up to the summerfest activities. Was pretty hot, but very fun :) she had been craving some mom time this summer with work being so busy.

We got there about an hour before anything opened so we walked around the fairgrounds, checked out our food options, and walked through the indoor vendor show where I was tricked into bying some books for the kids :)

Spencer and Chelsey were nice enough to watch the kids so josh and I could go to dinner. Nice to have an evening out!!

That evening we loaded up the car with kids, chairs and popcorn and drove to 18th street. We parked watched the 15 minute fireworks and headed home...short display this year? Still fun, both zachey and Grayson lovvvved it!


Summerfest was in full swing this year as always! We hit the normal festivities of parade, booths and fireworks :)

This year gramma rue got to come which was fun! Kohls and andersens and eski came to the parade with us. We usually have our coveted spot under the trees. This year was almost a little chilly! We put out blankets and chairs the night before, but kenna and i always go early to secure our spot :)

Lanie and spencer were also first time parade goers. Was sooo fun watching the boys with the big tractors and firetrucks! Grayson could not have been more excited! 

Daddy and his friends stayed back and worked super hard on our soon to be 12 ton brick retaining wall!

We scored serious overage of candy, free shirts from our buddies at the strawberry patch, and about 20 popsicles from best buy float

Monday, July 08, 2013

Little Lanie

I have been wanting a puppy for a while. Rylee is almost 10 and such a wonderful dog - we wanted her to teach a new dog how to also be as good as she is :)

Luckily for my birthday Josh agreed to getting a new puppy! The search was crazy! I found many jack russels online, but as soon as I called someone they were already gone. Seems I am not the only central Iowan in search of puppies!

Finally I found a breeder in Missouri that had pictures online. I fell in love immediately and luckily she was still available! Coinsidentally her name was "Lucky" Lanie! It seemed fitting with my superman obsession (Lois Lane) and the name stuck.

She was only a few weeks old, so we had to wait a while before we could pick her up. One day I surprised Kenna at camp and told her we were going on an adventure. We were meeting the breeder halfway in Ottumwa and off we went to get Lanie. Kenna was soooo excited, I didn't think she would last the hour and a half it took to get there!

She was great and slept all the way home. She is just the sweetest thing, and it has been wonderful to watch McKenna be so caring for her. She is very protective, and Lanie has quickly become the hit of the neighborhood! All the parents are annoyed because their kids come home asking to get a puppy :)

Rylee didn't know what to think - and still doesn't

Josh and Lanie both tired from playing

The first weekend home she wouldn't let her out of her site - even to read

Lanie sleeps in this kennel and is not happy when she has to go in early

I forgot how hard it is to train a puppy. She learned "sit" quite quickly. "don't pee on the carpet" has taken a bit longer :) We rolled up all the rugs on the main floor and have been diligent about taking her out regularly, regulating her water, and rewarding her when she potties outside. So far she has done pretty well! We leave her in the downstairs bathroom when we are unable to watch her, or when we go out, and there is an occasional puddle when we get home, but not too bad!

She LOVES to play with the neighbor dog Cooper, and is pretty good about staying near us when we venture out. I hope she continues to be such a great dog! She is definitely in chewing mode, but the kids love her. Grayson was a slow adopter as she loves to nip at his shorts...but his cute little "no wanie!" seems to make her stop fairly quickly :)

Welcome to the family sweet Lanie!