Sunday, August 13, 2006


Yesterday we waited FOREVER for the air conditioning guy to come. Our air conditioner has been working overtime this summer, and finally needed service. Luckily it was a simple repair, and we are back to a nice cool house today! After the air conditioner was fixed, we went to Valley Junction to go shopping. Valley Junction is a really neat area of old West Des Moines. It is reminiscent of old downtowns with store fronts all lined up. Lots of unique and fun stores. We had to try and find something fun for Brian and Rika's wedding gift :) Finally we went to Scott and Melissa's luau in Boone. We planned on staying a few hours, and ended up staying until way past midnight. Luckily McKenna fell asleep at Gona and Bacas. They were nice enough to let us barge in at 1 in the morning to shuttle sleeping baby home! She didn't make a peep until we tried to put her in her crib....of course!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These pics are sooooo cute!!! Mckenna looks like shes getting a little double chin!! lol love yas chels