Wednesday, January 31, 2007


So - last weekend we went snowboarding, that's right, snowboarding in Iowa. I know that all my northwest friends are laughing at such a statement, but it was really fun!

There is a place called sundown mountain (as much of a mountain as you can get in Iowa) in Dubuque. It is about a 3 hour drive, and wasn't that bad! It lies in an old riverbed, and is about 400ft from top to bottom. It would take us about 5 minutes to get all the way down, and was good for a snowboarding fix! The strangest part was driving to the lodge, which was at the TOP of the hill, and then snowboarding down to the bottom to catch the chairlift back up....totally backwards!

McKenna stayed with Aunti Em. Emmi along with Kade and Tali came over on Friday night. They stayed at our house and ate takeout, watched movies, and took a bath in the jacuzzi tub. Then on Saturday they went to Aunti Ems until we picked her up. It sounds like they had a good time with the baby! Although McKenna was a stinker and woke everyone up at night....guess we are used to it!

We left Friday after Shelly got off of work. We drove the 3 hours to Dubuque and stayed at the Hampton. We got in a game of Settlers before we hit the hay then got up early the next morning, ate breakfast and skied/snowboarded from 9-4ish. During lunch we managed to get another game of settlers in. There were 4 lifts and we tried all of them but the bunny hill. Damon was pretty good, and Shelly did great for only having gone a few times prior. I did hear that she was pretty sore the next day :( I got a chance to use my own snowboard. I am not used to the clicker bindings, and the icy snow. So, I spent most of the day riding my back edge for fear of wiping out on the ice. By lunch my toes had had it! I wound up with two bruised big toes, but it was well worth it!

Overall a great trip! It isn't even close to what I am used to, but we had so much fun nonetheless!

Pictures to come when my computer gets fixed!

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