We had a birthday party for Emmi a week ago Wednesday. Kathy, Josh and I were all going to Jason and Leticia's wedding in Des Moines on Saturday, so we had her party on Wednesday. We seemed to have started a tradition of requesting what you want for birthday dinner, then everyone in the family comes together and makes what you want. Emmi wanted a salad bar with peppers, onions, croƻtons, chicken, shrimp, zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes, mushrooms, cheese, cranberries, and I am sure I am forgetting everything else. Kathy and Denny made the meat, and hosted the event at their house. I brought the salad fixings and bread. It was really fun, and really yummy! It was fun hanging out with everyone before Denny went off to go fishing.
For her birthday, Emmi went shopping and picked out some outfits with Kathy. We got her a casserole tote that was insulated with her initials on it. She will be the hit of all the soccer moms!!!
--Emmi and Kade blowing out candles--
In going through all of my pictures I also forgot to write about Summerfest! Ankeny doesn't celebrate July 4th on July 4th. They usually have a huge summerfest a few weekends later. This year we made it back from Idaho Falls in just enough time to go to the parade and the booths. McKenna LOVED the parade because it had giant balloons. They are her absolute favorite. We got there an hour early just to get a spot on the 2.5 mile parade route. The parade was over 2 miles long, but we had fun waving to the geek squad bug as it drove by!
--Balloons....I LOVE balloons!!!--
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