Kathleen has so cleverly "tagged" me in her blog. The idea is that I have to write 10 random facts about myself - then "tag" 5 others to do the same on their blog -
Here I go
(1) I am obsessed with all things superman. Most people know this about me, but it is still my favorite random fact. I have a collection, and religiously watch Smallville, and even Lois and Clark when I work out.
(2) I could have 10 kids. This may shock some of you. If I was a lottery winner, I would definitely adopt, have or perhaps be a foster parent to lots of kids. I love being a mom and watching them learn. We'll see if I sing the same song when they are teenagers.
(3) I have OCD, well not in the literal sense, but I think I am borderline at times. Not so much in the open and close a door 10 times thing, but in a I have to log every dollar spent, must have everything in its place kind of way. My poor husband....
(4) I secretly want to be an iron chef. In my previous life I think I was a chef. I sometimes just know things, and have no idea how I know them. That is another thing I would do if I won the lottery, have a bunch of kids, and feed them 5 star meals :)
(5) I am in grad school for counseling. I am surprised at how few people actually know this about me...so here you go - I am going to Drake and hope to be done with my masters in education sometime around 2010...that seems so far away!
(6) I am voting for Hilary. She agrees with almost everything I do regarding the big issues. I also think that the country would really thrive under a woman's leadership.
(7) I've been dating/married to Josh for almost 8 years. Lucky for me, if he has put up with me this long..I think I have a shot!
(8) We are going to Europe for last vacation before baby #2. We are going to Italy, Greece and Turkey for two and half weeks next summer - I can't wait!
(9) I can wiggle my ears (can you tell I am running out of things to type?)
(10) This year I was the cat in the hat for halloween, but if you read my blog - you already saw that. Kathleen I hate you for tagging me :)
Okay - the people I am tagging are as follows: Bryan, Chelsey, Brandon, Tali and Megan
Have fun!
That is so awesome. I forgot we had so much in common. That was an excellent ten things...now onto to those ten kids...have fun!!
I'm so glad I don't have my own blog.
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