Sunday, January 27, 2008

Date Night

Last Friday Josh and I had a date night. It has been WAY too long since we have done anything, just the two of us. We dropped Mac off at Gona and Baca's. It was a good chance for Mac to hang out and spend the night before Gona and Baca went to Africa. They planned a two week trip for their 40th wedding anniversary. We are all anxious to hear details and see pictures!

Josh and I went to Noodle Zoo, a little restaurant that serves great salads, noodles and dinners. After that we went to the movie Cloverfield. I was unaware that it was Blair Witch-esque, but really enjoyed it! It is made by the same people who work on Lost, which I also like, so it was no surprise that we both loved the movie. I am not going to give anything away, but it is pretty good - a little far fetched, but worth seeing. I really felt old, because Friday night at 7pm around here is high school date and go to movie with your high school friends night. When the movie started I felt like I was 20 years older than I am, young wipper snappers and their new fangled text messaging. Can't they all be never again early movie on a friday night.

The next morning we got up early and went to a home improvement show in Des Moines. We are finishing our basement (or should I say Josh is finishing our basement.) He has the guest room almost completely framed. And we have lots of ideas. I am excited to have the extra space, not that we need it, but will be nice for guests to have more of a suite than a room off of ours.

The home show was pretty cool. We got some ideas about making our home more efficient and earth friendly (which I am big on.) We also got to see tigers. That's right......tigers! In some random way tigers are somehow tied to home improvement. You could get your picture taken holding a baby tiger for $25. I just took pictures of them in their cages and called it good.

--Here are their parents....they don't look too happy--

--Really cute, and only a few feet away! What a strange business--

Mac had a great time at Gona and Baca's and we had a fun weekend! Nice to have a date once in a while :)

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