Monday, June 16, 2008

Some happy some sad

I found out a few days ago that my Grandpa on my dad's side had a stroke. He has always been in the best of health his whole life, so this was kind of a shock to all. At first the doctor's were cautiously optimistic, because he was moving his arms and legs on both sides. But, after some neurological testing, they determined that the part of the brain that controls his face, eyes, and ability to talk and swallow was paralyzed. They attempted to insert a feeding tube, but after all the struggles, my family agreed to sign a do-not recessitate form and to move him to a hospice facility. I am flying out there tomorrow night to spend a few days with my family. My grandfather is one of the best people I have had the honor of knowing. He always takes life with a grain of salt and a adds huge laugh. Saying goodbye is going to be extremely difficult.

On a lighter note, I think McKenna and Rylee know that something has been bothering me. Rylee has spent the whole day at my feet as I scramble to get homework done before my trip. McKenna is officially potty trained, in just a few days, and has been extra cuddly and cute. She had an accident in her bed the other day and was traumatized that we had to put her blankey in the washer. I distracted her, but she kept getting all verclempt saying that "bankey all washa..." finally we went upstairs to pull it out of the dryer. She said "whoa, bankey hot! I LLLLove it!" So the rest of the day we had to hear about how "bankey was all wet. Bankey hot, I lllllove it!" Thanks for cheering me up little bug!

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