Sunday, August 02, 2009

Lazy Sunday

Just having some fun with the kids this morning. I keep my work laptop downstairs, so why they are watching Cinderella - thought I would put some pictures up.

--isn't he getting big! What a cutie!--

--all smiles for his mom. Just starting fitting in 6 month jammies!--

--Kenna thinks its funny when they hold hands, because he tries to put her hand in his mouth....ahh the giggles!--

Last night Kenna slept downstairs in her tent. I let Zachary cry for just 15 minutes when he was waking up. He was sleeping through the night for a month and I got a taste of sleep again. Now he cries every 4ish hours. I go in to see what is wrong and he has the biggest grin....I know he isn't hungry, just having a hard time going back to sleep. So last night I would let him cry just for a few minutes, and didn't want Kenna to wake up. He went back to sleep just fine, so hopefully we will be back to our normal routine soon!

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