Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Is it November or July?

Today was BUUUUSSSSY. We started by going to the doctor to get the kids H1N1 vaccines. I have been going back and forth on whether to do it or not, but decided to bite the bullet. There have been some sick kids around here lately with it, and better safe than sorry! While we were there we weighed Zachary, and he finally hit the 20 lb mark! 20lbs 2 oz to be exact....that puts him in the 75th percentile.....good eater! After that we went to the library to get some new books for both kids and mommy :)

We headed home for a very small helping of ice cream with chocolate sauce (the perfect bribery for brave shot takers.) Then we did puzzles, colored, folded laundry then took naps.

After nap, we awoke to amazing 65-70 degree weather. I asked Josh to take down the bikes and the bike trailer that he had stored for the winter this morning. So I took Zachary for his first ever bike ride. MAN did he love it. We went for almost an hour, then stopped at the park where he sat in the swing for the first time ever and giggled the whole time.

Now the kids are playing and we are getting ready for dinner. What a FANTASTIC day!!!

--this one kenna is smiling--

--and this one zachary is--
Before we ventured out Zachary sported a hat, and they each had blankeys...just in case ;)

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