Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Eski's Christmas Party

On the 23rd Eski had her annual Christmas party. She put on quite the show! She invited Santa and he brought a toy for everyone. And we had lots of yummy finger foods. Each year she makes every family a printed book of pictures from the whole year. It was so nice! We also drew names so that every child drew the name of another child. So lots of fun for everyone!

--Eski cooking in the kitchen--

--getting the kids some snacks (Drew-Drew, Kenna and Sadie)--

--Macie and Sadie--

--JJ and Tyler (hard to believe they are both 5!)--

--santa came and brought zachary a spinning top toy--

--and he brought kenna a butterfly barbie--

--kenna helping her brother with his new toy--
We are so lucky to have such a wonderful lady watching our kids!

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