Sunday, May 30, 2010

Grandpa Bob and Grandma Mary Visit

The day of McKenna's birthday party, Grandpa Bob and Great Grandma Mary came for a visit! They came in after the party and got to stay a few days. We had a wedding to attend that evening, but luckily their rate is very cheap for babysitting ;)

We had a good time playing cards, eating, catching up. On Sunday we all went to Grandma Great's. She is trying to get rid of a lot of stuff in her home, because she is moving what she can to her apartment, and it won't all fit. I think it was hard for everyone to relive the memories that the objects represented, but it is good that the memories will never fade :)

--grandpa bob and the kids--


--great grandma mary and the kids--

--grandma and zachary--

--grandma and kenna--

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