Saturday, August 14, 2010

The Rest of April's Visit

We had such a fun (and HOT) time with Auntie April! She is having a baby and moving to Germany soon, so before she left she came to visit us in Iowa!

After the BBQ over the weekend we spent all day Sunday shopping (looking for cute baby stuff was the primary goal ;) Then Monday, I had to work, but April enjoyed the crazy thunderstorms, losing power, and I think she gave up and took a nap :) Tuesday we took the kids to Blank Park Zoo in Des Moines. I had never been there but was pleasantly surprised! The zoo is perfect for their ages as it only takes about 3 hours to get through the whole thing. And it has a good sampling of animals, shade and well maintained grounds!

--Kenna checking out the otters--

--the Austrailia exhibit had Wallabies just wandering in a grassy area that you walked through--


--kenna liked the big cats, here is are the lions--

--stopping for a snack, and trying to avoid the 85+ degree temps with 80% humidity...bleck!--

--growling like a tiger--

--giraffes were cute!--

--stopped for a snack in a shady area--

--as usual Zachey was starving--

--poor monkey looked bored--

--Zachey liked to watch all the animals but especially liked the monkies--

--bald eagles--

--sweaty mommie and zachey waiting for the train--

--train ride!--

--the train was like 9 minutes, but pretty fun :), complete with tunnel! --

We got the kids home just in time for nap. That night Josh watched the kids while April and I volunteered at the ICubs. That is Iowa's minor league baseball team. Best Buy runs one of the concession stands. We supply the labor (all volunteer) and the proceeds go to the Animal Rescue League. I felt bad dragging April there, as I had signed up months prior. It was SOOO hot and humid that sweat was running down my back while I was steaming the hot dogs and sorting the buns. THe back room had to be 1oo degrees....but up front serving beer and snacks wasn't awful. We got a free hot dog and couldn't wait to get home to shower!!!

Wednesday I had to work again, but I think April passed the day watching movies and enjoying the air conditioning :) That night we went to Sam's birthday party. They had a young explorers theme in a neat parkground in south des moines. It was called Raccoon River. The kids ate pizza then played with various animals and fed them. They ignited a volcano and learned about dinosaurs. They painted fossils and ate cake then opened presents. Kenna had a great time!

--learning about volcanoes--

--Zachey got rather bored waiting in the lobby for two hours. We entertained ourselves with balloons and food :) --

Thursday we did a crazy thing...braved the Iowa State Fair with a heat index of 103...UGH it was hot. We just alternated between something outside and something inside. Then it wasn't so bad. We hit all the booths, vendors, and many of the food stands :) We probably saw about 75% of what there was to see that day, but it took almost 5 hours! Man, yet again we took a shower when we got home...oh well, was worth it!

--tattoos were the thing this year. April sporting her free egg tattoo and free egg on a stick--

We scored some free bags at the breast cancer awareness booth. Pretty pink ones perfect for the pool or gym! Also tried many "things on a stick." We had an elephant ear, caramel apple, deep fried pineapple on a stick, and finally a twinkie log. The twinkie log sounded right up April's alley, but ended up being pretty gross and she threw it out :(

--twinkie log--

Overall a fun, sweltering day! It was the only day we could go, and we still had a great time! Friday we got the kids ready for the prince/princess party at Eski's that day. Then we spent the day garage saleing! I got quite a few treasures, but April was a little reluctant as she would have to pack it all home! After we finished it was time for lunch then I had to take her to the airport! It went by too quickly, but I get to go visit her in October, which isn't that far off, so something to look forward to!

--princess kenna, in full gear with makeup!--

--prince Zachary from China....the best I could do ;) --

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Had fun with you guys! Even though I sweated my butt off.