Sunday, November 07, 2010

Fall Photos

Every year we try to get the kids Halloween pictures taken and do a fall family session as well. This year turned out great! We got an 18 month 20x20 canvas of Kenna and we narrowed down a few cute shots for Zachey as well :)

Hope you enjoy!

--he looks so tough in this photo!--

--was so hard to get him to pose/hold still!--

--love my handsome boys!--

 --poor kenna sat so still! She held this pose for about 10 minutes while Candice took about 50 photos where Zachey was goofy in almost every one!--

--one of the canvas contenders...look at those eyes!--

--another one I liked. I was throwing him in the air and he loved it!--

Sure you will see one or a combination of these on our Christmas card! I think my kids are the cutest things in the world..but I am slightly biased :)

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