Sunday, January 23, 2011

Zachey do it!

That is about all we hear these days. After he loudly announces each morning that he wants "OAT-EEL" we make the oatmeal and he proceeds to say Zachey do it when I poor it, Zachey do it when we get a bib, Zachey do it when we get a spoon, Zachey do it when he eats get the is pretty cute if you get passed the repetitionn.

On a fun note we have a date for the ultrasound. Feb 7th is a Monday and we are bringing Kenna - should be fun! Announcement of gender hopefully to follow.

I had my first day of internship this last week and I LOVED it! I see now what all of our tax dollars are going towards! Ankeny really ensures that teachers have professional development time, as well as time to collaborate on the curriculum. They allocate funds to purchase research based curriculum and really give Marisa the time to counsel both individually and group sessions. I didn't think I would like elementary school this much!!

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