Thursday was such a crazy day...I have been trying to get the Murano in for service for weeks..and finally because of spring break I had a day to do so. Well, I forgot to have Josh take me to drop it off so the morning was spent trying to figure out how to get the Murano to the dealer with two kids in tow.
I ended up taking them to Eski's for a bit, ran the Murano to the dealer, got a ride home, installed carseats in the Acadia, ran to Eski's to grab the kids and headed to Zachey's 2 year doctor appointment (how is he 2 already???)
He was NOT happy about going. He had fun in the waiting room, but he is soooo particular about everything. He did NOT want to take his shoes off to be weighed. Luckily we got through that, but once in the check up room he was ANGRY that I was taking his clothes off. Screaming bloody murder shouting, "no, shirt, my pants....CLOTHES!" I tried all my tricks, singing, books, silly games, no avail. Finally he calmed down, and finally Bilgi came in to check him out. He did great for the check up and even shots really. Just was happy to get his clothes back on!
He weighed in at 27.5 lbs and was 34.5 inches tall. 50th percentile for both. Healthy happy boy! (Well when things are going his way!)
After that Kenna and I started our mommy day. Andrea and her kids came over for a play date. We rode bikes, ate lunch and ended up playing soccer at the park. Kenna was not really on her best behavior..she did share her bike with Kevin but about lost it when he didn't give it back :) I decided that she needed a nap to make the rest of the afternoon fun. She slept for an hour and was a TOTALLY different girl!
My sweet girl and I had a fun afternoon. We went and bought new sandals, ate ice cream and McKenna experienced a significant first...her FIRST PEDICURE. How fun was this for me! We went to a cute place that had little tiny pedicure chairs, just her size. She thought it was awesome that they rubbed her feet and that the water changed color. She picked out sparkly pink for her hands with plain pink for her toes. They even did a cute green flower as an accent. She was in heaven!
I had so much fun....she was so giggly and girly! I miss these days, just the two of us :)
--soaking her feet--
--that face says it all--