Someone sent me an email recently that said something along the lines of "I can't remember the last time I wasn't just a little bit tired." That really sums it up :) Today was a challenge! Two of Kenna's favorite friends were over at Eski's today (Sadie and Zowie.) So, Eski kept her up from nap, and Zachey also really didn't sleep. I got them a little early thinking we could enjoy the amazing 70 degree weather in MARCH!
We had fun but MAN they were cranky. Zachey got mad that his banana fell out of his peel, that he wanted to wear his winter coat and hat and I told him it was hot, that his bike didn't go as fast as Kenna's bike, that we had to put the bike away to eat dinner, that Kenna got the pink ball....the list goes on and on. His fuse is short these days and even shorter sans nap.
Kenna was very teenager-ish as well. Saying things like "whatever" and rolling her eyes, yelling at her brother, whining that the hill was too scary to go down on her bike...then she was playing with a neighbor friend and slammed her finger in the house door (small scratch really.) Well that ruined her night. And of course she did so when Zachey was in the bath, so I run outside with a mad, wet toddler trying to scoop up my screaming 4-year old and carry them both home. All this with a back that feels like someone is jabbing pins into it...
So I write this not to complain, but more to reflect upon if I ever decide that 4 babies is a good idea. This is my common sense post that is telling my future hormone induced biological clock....stop and think about it :) The day was fun overall, but I am totally going to bed at 8 o'clock...single parenting with giant belly sucks sometimes!
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