Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Spring Pictures

I realized that I really haven't gotten any pictures of the kiddos taken since last October! So I found a really cheap deal at Target and thought, well, we will try our luck. Well, you get what you pay for in that they rushed us in and rushed us out and tried to upsell me the whole time. There were a couple of cute ones that we can at least get some new pictures up and hand out some wallets!

Zachey was in rare form in a non-cooperative sort of way...but there are a few gems that were worth the $40 I ended up paying for quite a few prints ;)

--I love this one...he looks like he adores her...ah the art of photography!--

Sunday, May 22, 2011

5 Year Checkup

Kenna had her 5 year checkup last week. We went to a new pediatrician that has extended hours and multiple pediatricians on staff. She was very nice and Kenna is very healthy. She answered all the questions from when is your bedtime, to what does your carseat look like. I was a little appauled that she said her favorite foods were mac and cheese and chicken nuggets (two things we don't eat at home...) but who really cares :)

She weighed in at 40 lbs and 43 inches tall. 50% for weight and 60% for height! I never thought of Kenna as tall, but at least she is healthy! She even got one shot and a finger prick and didn't cry at all!! She was so proud that she was so brave she told everyone that she didn't cry for the rest of the day :)

Kenna's 5th Bithday Party

Oh what a whirlwind of emotion. Kenna has been SOOO excited for her birthday party for weeks and weeks. We planned to have it at Big Creek State Park. They have a giant wooden playground with slides, swings, a zipline, lots of fun kid stuff! We rented a shelter right by both the park and the beach.

All week we had gorgeous weather, then on Friday morning it started pouring and pouring. I was thinking, perfect, a repeat of her 3rd birthday where it was windy and freezing! I was checking the hourly forcast every hour or so hoping that it might blow over! And luckily it thunderstormed until about 9am on Saturday morning, just in time for the skies to clear and for it to heat up to 80 degrees for Kenna's party at 11!

I bought a bucket and shovel for all the kids that came. I was thinking they would have fun making sandcastles. NEVER did I think that most of the kids would end up jumping in the water fully clothed! Most of the parents brought extra clothes, and some even remembered swimming suits!

--Chloe and Lucy splashing in the waves-- 

--Kenna went in about waist deep-- 

--Kevin, Katie, Andrea and Nathan playing in the sand; Kevin was the first to get completely soaked-- 

--Nolan very prepared for the beach-- 

--We had pulled pork and pulled turkey sandwiches, watermelon, strawberries and chips-- 

--The little table for the little kiddos-- 

--Gona brought a pinata back from Mexico, it was a hit, but very tough!-- 

--Campbell taking a swing-- 

--I made chocolate cupcakes for the kids and strawberry cream cake for the adults-- 

--This look was worth all the hard work...what a happy face!-- 

--Chloe got Kenna a kite and the kids LOVED flying it!-- 

--Kenna and Avi--

Pretty much ALL of Kenna's friends that she wanted to invite were able to come! Chloe and Lucy; Katie and Kevin; Avi and Abi; Nolan; JJ, Maddie and Macie; Campbell; Anderson; Devon; Aunti Em and Kade and Gona. We could not have asked for a more successful party. All the kids left totally exhausted, wet and covered in sand. And Kenna told me that night that it was the BEST PARTY EVER. So happy she had fun :) I love you so much little girl, I can't believe you are 5!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Backpack, Backpack

This really is quite silly, but wanted to write it down. When I take Kenna to school (which isn't very often as Josh is often tasked with taking children places) Zachey wants to be just like big sister. When he sees her bring her backpack, he quickly grabs his Thomas the Train backpack that Grandpa Rue got him for Christmas. Even though there is NOTHING inside it, he brings it to Eski's just like Kenna.

I am trying to instill in Kenna that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but I think she finds it rather annoying...sigh.

Saturday, May 14, 2011


Usually I am not a fan of posting ultrasounds. The only people who think they are cool are the parents, because really they just look like alien shaped blobs :) But, on Thurdsay I got the opportunity to have one, which was really cool this close to his due date! At 20 weeks you can kind of tell what they look like, but at close to 37 it was really evident! He is for sure a boy, and heart, brain, spine everything looks perfect. The ultrasound tech said..."Oh boy." I asked what that was about. And she said, this might be a big baby...awesome. Of course her definition of a big baby and mine were not aligned, because she said that it may be 9 lbs...I was already guessing that based on how squished I feel he is, as well as how much he kicks and squirms. Not to mention Zachey was pushing 9 lbs. So, alas, I guess this little guy won't be so little, but at least everything else looks great!

Pretty cool huh? He's kissing the camera and rubbing his eyes. Just loved the this one. Even the ultrasound tech said it was one of the coolest photos she had seen :)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Kenna's Birthday

We have had a great couple of days and it will only continue throughout the month! While I was in Chicago Josh did a fabulous job of getting things ready for Kenna's school birthday celebration. He made chocolate covered strawberries (kenna's request) and got her book ready. I got back late Monday night and was home in time to go to her "Celebration of 5 trips around the sun" at school. They start by getting a birthday hat and telling the class the month she was born. Then they look at her book that has a picture for each year, along with a sentence that Kenna wrote about that year. It ranged from:

When Kenna was 0-1: "I liked to play on the floor"
1: I was messy eating my birthday cake
2: I was a flower girl
3: I met my baby brother
4: I loved to play dress up
5: This is my friends and I at dance class

She got to tell a little about each year, and after each story she got to "walk around the sun." The kids would say all the months in the year in cadence. I can NOT believe how well behaved and attentive the twenty 3-5 year olds were! I am in kindergarten class rooms a lot for internship and they are not even close! Actually the 4-5th graders sometimes are not as nicely behaved!

Then Mrs. Betsy got out the "tickle feather" and tickled her once for every year she was old. The kids sang her a special birthday song and she got a present from the teachers and blew out the candle. The kids LOVED the strawberries and juice. Daddy did great, and I was tearing up just watching how proud and excited McKenna was from planning what she was going to wear and how to do her hair to listening to her friends sing happy birthday. Its times like these that I am in awe of how grown up she is, but still has that sweet innocence that I just love!

Today we had a great day! I started by singing her happy birthday and telling her that she could have ANYTHING in the whole world for breakfast (hoping she didn't say mac and cheese or something.) She wanted oatmeal with sprinkles and M&Ms...an odd request, but she is the birthday girl! Zachey went to Eski's and Daddy went to work. We proceeded to get manicures and pedicures and I just LOVED the giggles as the used the course sponge on her feet, hilarious! Then we went to target and I told her she could pick out whatever dress she wanted (she doesn't have very many summer dresses.) This was really the first time she got to pick out her clothes...I usually buy them online or at garage sales. It was very cute watching her weigh every option! Then we went to lunch, at Kenna's favorite place, Palmers. We headed home to color and brush our teeth before we went to the dentist (I know not very exciting, but impossible to get us both in!!) After that we went to a new ice cream store and picked up Zachey. Now she is playing with her good friend next door. I cannot believe she is 5. I remember it like yesterday, anxiously awaiting her birth...time just flies by way too fast!

Happy birthday my sweet little lady.

Why I Hate Sharpies

Kenna was helping me clean out the Murano today and she found a sharpie in the back. Well, I was inside putting some things away and I came out to find that our house is now tagged. When I scolded her she got all upset saying that "she just wanted people to know that we lived here...and that we should really have a sign with our name on it." Alas, even magic eraser did no damage to this one...I suppose me may need to replace the whole piece of siding at some point...until then, it does kind of make me smile. She didn't mean anything by it :)

Sunday, May 08, 2011

Mother's Day Pagent

It never fails to amaze me how wonderful Kenna's preschool is. Although it is rather expensive, it is worth every penny to see how much Kenna is learning every day. They did a mother's day recital with a Hollywood theme. Imagine 30 preschoolers all organized, singing, and SIGNING the words to about 8 different songs! They sang Lady Ga Ga'a Paparazzi, which was hilarious, and then some classics from Annie, the Beatles and The Wizard of Oz. My favorite was a song I have never heard before? They all joined hands and started swaying. Then they sang the words. The messaging was something along the lines of I am a beautiful child, be patient with me and believe in me and I will blossom into a beautiful person. By the end ALL the mothers were completely balling. It was such a sweet performance! We had snacks after and Kenna presented me a watercolor portrait she painted of me that they framed and wrapped. It was awesome!

We also had a fun time reading all the "stars." The theme was, my mother is a star because.... Some of them were quite hilarious. You had the standard, because she is pretty, or she takes me to the park. One said because she has big muscles..glad that wasn't mine :)

Kenna's said, my mom is a star because she can catch my brother's cup without even looking. I guess the day that they made these was the morning that Zachey threw his sippy cup and I just, instictually, reached out and grabbed it without looking. McKenna was in owe and Josh made a big deal about my "super power" being able to have super fast reflexes. I got a good laugh out of it :)

--standing next to her two BFFs, Chloe and Campbell-- 

--we ran out of memory on the camera and the camcorder, but luckily josh got this on tape--

King of the Mountain!

Now it feels like spring! Josh mowed the yard, laid down mulch, re-edged the whole yard and planted a bunch of bulbs and the garden. These tasks are usually ones I at least help with, but this year he was on his own with my silly back...I just loved watching Zachey "help." 

Start of Soccer Season

So a couple weeks ago Kenna started her soccer camp, Kicks for Kids. When I originally registered her for it 2 months ago I asked Josh, will you be available these 5 fridays because I don't want to be uber pregnant and try to wrangle both of them on a crowded soccer field. He assured me he would be, so I wasn't worried....until he came home a few weeks ago and said, so I'm starting softball on Fridays....ugh.

So, me thinking I am super mom and it is no big deal, I took Kenna to soccer with Zachey in tow. It went pretty well. She recognized a few kids from school and dance and hung out with them. There were probably 100 kids and 200 parents, so a little crazy. I attempted to keep track of her with one eye, and watch Zachey run, play on the toy, run across the bridge, and ensure he wasn't falling in the lake, off the slide, or running into the parking lot. Like I said, it went pretty well. My back was sore and I was tired, but I was thinking...yay I did it. Then it ended and Kenna found me and just kept running past me towards the parking lot. I told her to slow down and wait on the sidewalk for me. I then turned around to see Zachey waaaaayyy behind me with his water bottle standing there having a drink. I tried coaxing but he was content just standing there. So I went back, scooped him up (he had a very nasty poopy diaper to add insult to injury) I turn around and Kenna is gone. So I mildly freak out, attempt to sort of jog with said poopy toddler in hand and big belly bouncing trying to find her. I am shouting her name looking like a deranged frantic pregnant momma and ended up finding her standing by our car. 

I attempted not to freak out and give her a lecture. She though I meant to stand by the sidewalk next to the car, she was attempting to follow directions. So holding back tears I put the kiddos in the car and explain to kenna that there are naughty people who could take her, or she could be hit by a car because she is so small they may not see her. I think I overdid it because Kenna started crying and apologizing, which was not my intent....sigh....someone should make a manual for this parenting thing! Luckily Denny and Kathy have volunteered to help the next few soccer days so I will not have a repeat of this crazy night.

--my little soccer star--

Easter Weekend

A little behind, but we have been super busy! 2 weeks ago for easter day we went out to Gona and Baca's. We got to see the now rather large duck babies, shoot off a rocket, brush the very hairy horses and eat ham :)

--aren't they cute? They are scared to death of us right now, but very sweet--

--Zachey got to go on a lawnmower ride with Baca-- 

--and kenna helped brush the horses-- 

--I couldn't help but take a million pictures of Zachey in his dress shirt....soo cute:) -- 

--thought this picture was funny...daddy and zachey same pose-- 

--I think he's getting tired of me taking his picture-- 

--Kade got to shoot three rockets, Zachey thought this was extra cool and has been saying "blastoff" and playing rocket with everything--