Saturday, May 14, 2011


Usually I am not a fan of posting ultrasounds. The only people who think they are cool are the parents, because really they just look like alien shaped blobs :) But, on Thurdsay I got the opportunity to have one, which was really cool this close to his due date! At 20 weeks you can kind of tell what they look like, but at close to 37 it was really evident! He is for sure a boy, and heart, brain, spine everything looks perfect. The ultrasound tech said..."Oh boy." I asked what that was about. And she said, this might be a big baby...awesome. Of course her definition of a big baby and mine were not aligned, because she said that it may be 9 lbs...I was already guessing that based on how squished I feel he is, as well as how much he kicks and squirms. Not to mention Zachey was pushing 9 lbs. So, alas, I guess this little guy won't be so little, but at least everything else looks great!

Pretty cool huh? He's kissing the camera and rubbing his eyes. Just loved the this one. Even the ultrasound tech said it was one of the coolest photos she had seen :)

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