Josh was debating on when to go to a weeklong training for work. His options were right before Grayson was born (as in days before his due date) this past week and a week in September. None of them were really good options, but this was probably the best week for him to be gone. I was still on maternity leave, and hadn't started school yet. We have been having a surprisingly uneventful week. It usually involved me getting up early and packing Kenna's lunch for school. Then I would get her cereal and banana, juice and vitamin ready leaving the milk in a cup next to her bowl. Kenna would get up with her alarm clock, get dressed and eat her breakfast while I was feeding Grayson and getting him ready. While Kenna was brushing her teeth and hair I would get Zachey up, fed with teeth and hair brushed. Then we all got in the car and off to Eski's we went.
After I dropped the boys off I would take Kenna to school and we would practice where to get out of the car, where to go when she went into school and how to get everything in her locker. Then I would go to Kosama and have spent the rest of the day preparing for school, laundry, making dinners, running errands, etc. Eski would let me know when the boys got up and I would either get them first, or pick up McKenna from school, depending on the time. This week was also a week for Grayson to get used to Eski's in small doses, eating from a bottle, etc. He has done great!
The days have flown by. Bathing and getting 3 kids ready for bed is probably the hardest part of the day, but I have great kids who do a pretty good job of helping eachother and mommy! Kenna has really stepped up and done everything from get Zachey's shoes on to helping him go potty to grabbing diapers for me. Such a big helper!
We are sure excited to see calls everyday aren't nearly enough! This weekend we have a block party and dinner at the Andersen's with some of Josh's friends from high school!
--this picture is a little blurry, but love this outfit from Andersens! --
--such a great big sister!!--
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