Friday, December 16, 2011

Grayson 6 month Stats

Grayson surprised me a little - for a kid that is ALWAYS hungry he isn't really as chunky as my other two :)

Weight: 17lbs 2 oz - 39th percentile
Height: 26.5 inches - 48th percentile
Head: 18 inches - 91st percentile ;)

He is similar to Kenna in the way he is proportioned :) Cute as ever! Right now he is all about sucking on his lip/hands/anything he can grab. He isn't sitting up on his own, but will with support. He is very mellow, pretty content just watching what is happening. He can roll, but usually chooses not to. He never moves in his bed, will just make noise till I come get him. He is eating rice cereal/baby oatmeal like a champ, so anxious to get him started on some baby veggies soon! Going to try and be better about making my own food this time around! He still has the biggest grin and it takes over his whole face when he smiles....just love it. I have cut back on nursing quite a bit. With traveling I just haven't been able to keep up. He still is about half and half. With the introduction of food, he will probably be less interested soon anyway. I think it is more about me holding on as this is my last one!

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