Friday, February 03, 2012

Jaffey and Blanket

Meet Zachey's two most prized possessions - Jaffey and Blanket He sleeps with them, watches TV with them, brushes his teeth with them, you get the picture.

Last week he kept saying "Jaffey have boogie nose, mommy, you fix it?" I just thought he was pretending? He is ALWAYS pretending...he pretends he has a little "computer" that he looks at. He pretends that we need to be quiet so we don't wake up the dinosaurs. He pretends that he is a dog, frog, cat, (insert any animal here.) But he kept saying it so insistently that I finally looked at the giraffe.

In doing so, I saw what he was talking about. The string was coming undone on Jaffey's nose!

Well - we will have to fix Jaffey's "boogie nose" aka booger nose. Zachey, you are too cute!

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