I felt a little guilty, but Josh and I went out to dinner as we had been planning and left the kids with Baca and Gona overnight, knowing that they would call if anything was wrong. When I picked Zachey up this morning he was definitely warm. He has been up a couple times at night and was acting off. I got him into the doctor at 9, and ended up taking all the kids because Josh was at work.
They were very good, but what a long wait..after about an hour we discovered that there was really nothing wrong that they could tell at the doctor office. He did have 103 degree temp, was very lethargic, but they thought it was because of a cold. I LOVE Dr. Gavin....she is amazing and called the ER. After speaking to them she recommended we go in for a CT scan and xray just in case. She was worried that it might be something bigger.
So, I again start to freak out. I called Josh, he hurried home and Gona came to watch the other two so we could take Zachey to the ER at Blank hospital. We get him checked in and they take us to a small room and two different doctors check him out, watch his pupils, check his vitals, check his tummy, circulation, all the normal stuff.
After that they took xrays of his chest. Daddy helped him and he started crying. I am sure it was really scary. Then to make matters worse, they made him ride on the gurney all the way downstairs to the CT machine, which scared him more. He was still really feverish and upset. We got down to the machine and he was just sobbing. He was scared and didn't want to lay still and "go in the tunnel." I got in and showed him it was okay, but it didn't help. He was nearly hysterical. Then they brought out a plastic wrap that constrained his arms and legs. Think a giant plastic burrito with velcro. He was so scared, kept yelling "mommy, get me, mommy." We were both in tears and I just held his hand. When they started the machine we started singing songs and he calmed down...that two minutes was so long...poor guy!
After all of that I jumped on the gurney with him and just held him when we went back upstairs. He was much better with that idea. We brought his "jaffey" and that helped too. We waited for the results and were SO relieved to find out that there was nothing wrong. They said that some kids have this and it can be aggravated by sickness or stress. So, with that we are making an appointment with a pediatric eye dr. and just keeping an eye on him. No one seemed worried, and that makes me feel better! In talking to Tara it is really something they see a lot.
I took a picture of my sweet feverish boy. He still has his hospital bracelets, and 3 different stickers from the 3 different times he did different things today. This was really one of the worst days for me...what an emotional rollercoaster for a parent to deal with. So happy he is okay!!! Love you my sweet boy!
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