Been meaning to write this for some time - things for you to know my sweet girl:
I love my kids so much. There isn’t one
thing in this world I will not do for them. I will kiss their boo boo’s
and wipe their tears. I will help them get dressed, teach them to do
their chores, and feed them healthy foods. Lay with them at night, read
to them, and sing silly songs. I will protect them and fight for them
and give up my life for them. As they grow, I know it will only get
harder to keep them inside my cozy little rainbow-filled bubble of
happiness. Since McKenna graduated from kindergarten this year I can already
feel her slipping outside my bubble, I’ve put together a list of things I
want her to know as she begins her journey to independence:
1. Enjoy the innocence of your childhood.
In a world full of superficial values, peer
pressure, and bullying, as well as a pop culture that pushes materialism
and consumerism – you are being leapfrogged through your childhood.
There is a constant pressure for you to grow up way too fast. I mean, when did 5 become the new 10, anyway?
Grow slowly.
2. Smart is the new cool.
Never be ashamed of being smart or nerdy,
having freckles or glasses, or loving science and math. Smart never goes
out of style, it stays with you as you grow, and it will lead you down
the most successful paths.
3. No matter how many times you hear it, “Diamonds are NOT a girl’s best friend.” Friends are invaluable. They are trusting
and loyal. They stick with you through good times and bad, happy or sad.
Some will come and go, but your true friends will be with you always.
Friends forever, through whatever.
4. Go for it, get dirty! It’s good for you.
Besides the fact that getting dirty actually
does help support your immunity, it’s also a great way to express
creativity! Sculpt, draw, and stomp. Better yet, go “classic” and make
some mud pies.
5. Beat the boys at their own games.
Football, baseball, hockey or golf, never
let anyone tell you that you can’t do something because you’re a girl.
So go ahead, build the tallest tower of legos, kick butt on Wii, and karate chop them away. Flippin’ awesome.
6. See the world.
Experience new cultures, people, and places. Open your heart and mind to the tremendous benefits of studying and visiting domestic and foreign lands.
7. Choose your role models carefully.
Even though you are only 6, I am so glad that right now you have absolutely no idea who Hannah Montanna is.
8. Read something everyday.
From the Cat in the Hat and Dr. Seuss to
Junie B Jones, reading is exercise for your brain. It expands knowledge
and vocabulary- and lets your imagination run wild.
9. When it comes to wearing make-up, there’s a general rule of thumb that applies-LESS is MORE.
10. When it comes to fashion, shorter does not always
equal better. Fashion trends come and go and not all of it is fabulous.
Half tops and mini skirts are great for an 85 degree day at the beach
or if you’re a Miami Dolphins cheerleader, but not for your high school
yearbook photo.
11. Please, please, please do not allow yourself to become someone
else’s property. Why this is trendy, I will never figure out. If you
want to make a statement about yourself on clothing, at least let it
describe an aspect of who YOU are.
12. Speaking of trends, I hope that by the
time you are allowed to date, guys don’t wear their pants hanging half
way down their ass like they do now. I really feel like this has been
pretty popular for quite some time and I am praying that it finally goes
away by 2022. Also, I will flip my lid if you become this guy’s
property! (see #11)
13. Since you’re growing up in the
technological age of iPad, iPod, iPhone, and texting, I have to address
the horrendous lack of writing skills being used by today’s youth. This
phenomenon of truant letters may very well be the Death of English (LOL). Bottom line, don’t use text lingo in your thesis.
14. Speaking of text lingo, verbal slang is just as unprofessional. Reminds me of Alicia Silverstone from Clueless. OMG, ROFL, BFF, TMI, FYI, IDK….As If.
15. Don’t let pop culture define you.
I don’t know why, but today we let pop
culture manipulate our youth and it’s killing them emotionally and intellectually. From the early on fascination with
princesses, to the ‘need’ for a boyfriend and big boobs, popularity,
teen moms, and all the other garbage being thrown in their face – be
confident going against the grain.
16. Accept yourself for who you are.
You’re one-of-a-kind and that’s what makes
you beautiful. Tall, short, big, small, blonde, brunette, redhead,
white, brown, blue, pink, yellow – we are all DIFFERENT.
17. Mainstream your health.
It’s life’s greatest asset. A positive
approach to health encompasses physical, mental, social, and emotional well being. Healthy lifestyle choices in your youth will help
lay a strong foundation for continued wellness throughout your adult
life. Diet, exercise, stress management, self motivation,
positiveness, and meditation, as well as a number of other approaches
are guaranteed to make a huge impact on your quality of life, health,
and happiness.
18. Have confidence in yourself.
A positive self image assures power, strength, ability, and value. It
will enable you to conquer your goals and allow you to fearlessly
pursue your biggest dreams.
19. Be a sister. Be a friend. Be a protector.
20. Love with all your heart.
For where there is love there is life. Love
is universal and felt by all living things. So strong is the feeling of
love that it is said it makes the world go round.
21. Never be afraid to laugh at yourself. Laughter is humbling. It inspires and motivates.
22. Wherever you are in life, you can come home. I will be here – always.
Sure this list will expand as you grow..but really good list that expresses how I am thinking about you right now!
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