Saturday, November 10, 2012


This year's Halloween pictures and overall success was a little under par. We tried to get pictures taken at Target, and Grayson would not have it. I tried to take pictures at home, and no one would hold still...I give up :)

Lets just say my little justice league was super cute! Just wiggly!

 Dynamic Duo super hugs

 My little batman

 and his wiggly sidekick Robin

 Super tough

 Never a serious moment...they get that from me

 Told them to make silly faces
 We had our typical block party - mario, luigi and toadstool showed up

so did ninjas and a killer whale!

Grayson didn't last long, as usual. Chelsey came with us, probably because she was locked out of her house LOL! But the kids did a few streets of trick or treating, and we have enough candy to last till easter! Next year will be super fun, because Grayson will get it and all three will be able to stay up a bit later. Great fun as always though!

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