Friday, January 25, 2013

Blog Hiades

I am facilitating the Iowa Assessments and actually have 40 whole minutes to kill. This counseling job has been amazing. So fulfilling and fun! I have jumped right in and dealt with abuse, DHS reports, lazy teenagers (a lot of them!) failing grades, test facilitation and organization (600 of them...whew!), curriculum review, parent meetings and endless schedule changes as we entered 2nd semester. All in all it has been sooo fun, but hard to get used to a set schedule.

Most nights are insane....Tuesdays I get up at 4:30 to work out, get home, make lunches, help get kids ready (don't help much..thank goodness for Josh!), get myself ready and to school by 7:30. Leave school pick up Grayson, take him to kindermusik, drive home, drop off Grayson and pick up Zachey to take him to kindermusik. Bring him home, and in the meantime Josh has taken Grayson and Kenna to karate.

That is our worst night, but T-Th is pretty nuts at our place! Luckily my mom officially lives here now (YAY) and has been helping. Gona and Baca also have really been helpful - it takes a village! Thank goodness for awesome grandparents!

We have also been exploring a third rental property. Josh has a friend that wants a nice place and we know she will be a great that is going on as well!

I will try and keep better about keeping up! I still have posts from Christmas! Sheesh!!

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