Saturday, December 28, 2013

Christmas Whirlwind

This year we started what I hope to be a fun new Christmas tradition. I made popcorn, the kids got in their jammies and we all watched Polar Express together. The movie truly was magical. Grayson, Zachey and Kenna got so into it! Grayson kept shouting, "look mom!!" Or "Whooooaaaa!!" as the train bobbed and weaved to the north pole. It was good for Kenna as the premise of the movie is a boy who isn't quite sure he believes. Really cute movie. They read the book at Zachey's school, and in Boone they actually have a polar express train that we will try and hit next year!

We had our Eski party again this year and the kids got gifts from "santa." Kenna sort of giggled saying - that isn't the REAL santa, but they got some cute things. We ate and caught up with everyone. 

I was also lucky enough to be able to help at Kenna's school this year for her class party. Not sure what we did before pinterest! 

I was in charge of the snack. I made "grinch kabobs" cheesestick snowmen, and melted snowman water. The activity was "elf yourself" and then they had a game where they turned their classmates into snowmen. Was really pretty fun :)

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