Sunday, August 03, 2014

First Slumber Party

Zachey has been BEGGING me to have a friend sleep over. Kenna has a slumber party at least every other weekend and I have to constantly hear about how Zachey wants to have his friends over too. Well, I bit the bullet and called Lindsey. The boys spent some time together when she watched Zachey briefly and they play so nicely together!

Zachey was feeling under the weather a bit, but they managed to watch movies, play game cube (thats right we brought out the old relic,) and finished the evening with banana splits! I found them this morning in the same bed instead of one on lower bunk and one on upper...I think Zach had a great time with his good buddy! Was cute to hear the things they talked about like if Ninja Turtles are real and wishing that they went to the same kindergarten class :)

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