Thursday, October 02, 2014

Random Thoughts

I often post things to facebook then forget to add them here....a few fun pictures and stories below!

Grayson and I try to do "preschool" a few times a week. He is so stinking smart....the only 3 year old I know that can count to 100 and he is even starting to know sounds of his letters...just love that little dude! We were doing a worksheet on "above and below." It involved a petshop and circling the pets. He stared at the page for a while, and I said - "What are looking at?" He asked me "Why does this petshop have a beaver?" I guess he has never seen a guinea pig!

Love this quote by the Dalai Lama....going to try and live it everyday.

Terrible lighting...but I had to snap this picture. We have started a "family jar." In it are activities that we will do as a family every Friday. Weekly we draw from it. Some of the things are like bowling, mini golf, lego night, movie night, go to the dollar store and buy one thing...whatever...just something fun. We have a HUGE living room with tons of things to sit on. For movie night we started spread out, and by the end of the movie the kids were all sitting on/around me....can't say I was complaining :)

Love watching my sister as a mom. She is so good with Lily! Cannot believe she is 6 weeks old already! She is just a sweety!!

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