April 2, 2105
Today I eat crow, I eat it because there was a time when I doubted Zach's first pinewood derby car. When we got news that it was coming up I immediately turned to pinterest and saw all the creative ideas: a piece of cheese with a mouse on it, a batman car, star wars, etc etc. Josh and Zach spent an afternoon crafting the perfect car and while it was streamlined and aerodynamic, it was plain. Just stained with no creative paintjob. But, they made it together and both were excited so I was happy.
The day of the race came and all the dads were lined up painstakingly adding micrograms of weight to make it the perfect size. Using powdered lubricant so the wheels would be perfect - meanwhile all the scouts were running around being crazy and Josh was manning the computer. He mistakenly volunteered himself for official computer guy in charge of the lazer timekeeping program. From the looks of it the software was designed right around the time Josh was born - but he did it with a smile on his face :)
After many races and lots of bracketing that I didn't really understand we found out Zach was the winner of the tiger group! I should have never doubted my engineer - who knowingly placed the weight on top of the car versus the back like most of the other dads. The smile on Zach's face was awesome - he had never received a trophy or medal before so he was pumped!!
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