Monday, October 30, 2017

Black Belt Exam

Kenna had a very busy weekend. On Friday she was invited to her very first solo costume party. She had a great time. Chloe and Abby threw it at Abby's house. Sounds like they had crafts and games and a dance party! She almost didn't go because she has been SO SO SO stressed about her black belt testing. This poor kiddo has her mom's worry genes. A few weeks ago she started getting really nervous as it got closer. She planned meals leading up to it, and did great in the pre-exams.

On Saturday morning she woke up at 6 and we gathered all of her already laid out items to drive to the DMACC pond. There she did a 2 mile run and finished over 10 hours of testing. She had physical endurance drills, hours of sparring and katas, recited creeds and pretty much just worked her body to the bone. She could barely move the next day! We are anxiously awaiting her results and should know my mid week if she made it! 

I cannot tell you how proud I am of her. Not only her discipline, but her dedication over the last 6 years to really bettering herself. She has had her eye on this prize since she was 5 years old. She rarely complained and overcame a few hiccups along the way that made her stronger...she is an inspiration to me!

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