Saturday, February 10, 2018

Kenna basketball season

OK, as if this kid couldn’t get any cooler, this year she decided she wanted to try basketball. Normally this would not be a huge revelation for an 11-year-old, but we live in competitive Ankeny. I feel like kids here start sports before they can walk. So for Mckenna to try a new sport at age 11, just made me so proud! The kid doesn’t care if she isn’t the best, she doesn’t care if she makes silly mistakes, she’s totally fine trying something new and it is a trait I wish I possessed. I just so admire her! Luckily, she has a lot of natural ability. She was the first one down to the opponents basket. She had a good natural understanding of the game and how to play defense. Throughout the season she really improved in her shooting and dribbling and I just love her attitude! I hope she continues to do this throughout her whole life! Go comets!

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