Well - it must be a record. With all three of my kids, I was scheduled to be induced. And every single one of them came the day before :) I was actually quite relieved because I really didn't want to be induced, but was also completely miserable at how swollen and tired I was.
Grayson was due on June 7th, and the big joke is that he looked at my outlook calendar and saw that he was due, and so decided to come on his due date! He arrived at 7:30am weighing 8lbs 11oz and almost 21 inches long.
Here is his story!
At 4:30am on June 7th I woke up with what I thought was kind of a stomach ache. I went to the bathroom and then quickly realized I was having contractions. I jumped in the shower thinking I had at least a few hours, even Zachary took 4 from start to finish. By the time I got out of the shower, Josh had figured out something was going on (who brushes their teeth at 4:30am?) I asked him to get me my cell phone so that I could start timing them. I had timed two and he went downstairs to get me some water. As I was timing my third I felt a gush of water...my water broke! This had never happened to me before and I had no idea what to do...I yelled for josh and he made a sort of towel trail to the bathroom. I rinsed off and quickly got dressed...we had to get going!
We quickly grabbed my bag and pillow, woke up my mom and sister and headed to the hospital around 5am. We got to the hospital and the nurse that checked us in took what felt like a lifetime. She was shuffling other patients paperwork, saying "I'll be with you in a second." When she looked at my information, she said "What are you here for?" I kind of just stood there like....DUH! But then I realized she was confused because she had been processing my induction paperwork for the following day and she was confused. She got me checked in and I was watching the clock. My contractions were about 2-3 minutes apart at this point and pretty strong. I told the nurse in my delivery room that I was worried I wasn't going to have time for an epidural, and I REALLY wanted one. She tried to hurry and get my blood to the testing center. I found out later that she begged the anesthesiologist to stay a little passed their shift so that I didn't have to wait for the next one.
I labored for about another 45 minutes to an hour before they came up to give me the epidural. It didn't even fully take before I felt a ton of pressure. They asked if I was ready to push. I was hoping to have a little more pain relief, but was also anxious to be done. I only had to push a few times and out he came! The Dr. that delivered him said, whoa, big boy! He guessed 9lbs 8oz!! I knew he was big, but my goodness! Turns out that after he was weighed, he was obviously way off!
The had a pediatrician present because he had merconium in utero. They also wanted to make sure the drugs did not have an affect on his breathing because of the timing and quick labor. It was exactly 3 hours from first contraction to birth...a little faster than I prefer, but we did it!
Josh went with him down to the nursery to get him checked out. I ended up sort of sitting alone in the birthing room waiting for the epidural to wear off. I asked the nurse to get me my cell phone because I had no idea what I was supposed to be doing :)
Now that Grayson is over a day old I can see lots of his personality already. He is HUNGRY! I have kindly dubbed him the parana, because he nurses to intensely! Way more than my other kids. The first time he tried he latched right on and has really wanted to do little else since :) The nurses joke that he is a future linebacker because he has such a broad chest, almost 2 inches bigger than average babies! He looks so much like Zachary but with more hair..and brown hair at that! I can't wait to get to know him better!
--right after he is born....isn't he beautiful!?--
--Grandma Rue brought the kiddos--
When Grandma Rue brought the kids, Kenna was immediately hooked. She has been so gently really wanting to hold him and saying quietly "Hi, little guy" so cute! Zachey just calls him "baby matthew" like the baby at Eski's. And he says "I wanna hold dat!" He is sort of more interested in watching the Disney channel and eating goldfish crackers, but he looks SOOO big compared to his little brother. He looks so grown up in his "Big Brother" tshirt!
--look at my cute kiddos!--
--so fun that Auntie Chelsey gets to visit and be a part of this--
--her big sister hairdo thanks auntie chelsey!--
--Gona and Baca came after work to meet baby--
--our first picture of just the three of us!--
Day two has been kind of exhausting so far. He got up twice last night to eat, ravenously. I am feeling pretty good. Aside from stitches I am not in much pain. I have spent the day resting and watching really bad daytime TV. Stones came to visit over the lunch hour and brought me some chocolates of which I have eaten too much already...delish! Andersen's sent the most amazing chocolate covered strawberries I have ever seen...will have to put a picture on here! We are expecting more visitors later this evening. I feel so lucky to have three wonderful healthy children and such a supportive family. This is really what life is about!