Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Home From the Hospital

The second day in the hospital was soooooo long. It seemed like we were never going to be discharged :) At least we got some more fun visitors! Stones came by and brought me some chocolate around lunch time. It was nice to interact with people besides the hospital staff! My kiddos and mom came in the morning and in the afternoon we got to see Eski, Charlene, Auntie Em and Tali. 

Day 3 dragged on and on as well. We experienced some crazy thunderstorms that knocked out the TV and Hulu was not allowed over the hospital network...man was I bored. We were supposed to stay 48 hours, but 7:30 am is an early discharge time, so I was hoping for noon. Unfortunately they didn't get to his circumcision until late in the day so we had to wait and make sure that was okay before we were allowed to leave. All was well and I was sooo excited to get home!

--love baby yawns--

 --grandma great and mike came to visit on Saturday!--

 --I forgot how much I love this swing--

--I love this little face--

--and the little toes-- 

 --Kenna loves being a big sister--

Yesterday Andersen's came over for an impromptu dinner party. They wanted to check out the playhouse that Josh has been working on and meet baby Grayson. They were in Chicago all last week so this was the first time they were home to meet him! I was quite excited that a pediatrician changed my baby's diaper and that everything looked okay :)

--impossible to get them all looking at the camera--

--Happy first week birthday Grayson, from my team at work!--

I can't believe he's a week old already. I am feeling great aside from a little soreness. The kid can eat and it is taking a toll on me!! He is sleeping pretty well, but sure he will get better over time. He really is a good baby and is assimilating into our family perfectly! 

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