Monday, June 06, 2011

Members Only Zoo Night

On a whim a few weeks ago we went to a "members only" night at the zoo. I found this incredible deal on Groupon that allowed us to buy a family pass to the Blank Park Zoo and they were having an exclusive event to launch their new dinosaur exhibit. The kids were so excited! The weather was perfect and the zoo is just the right size for my kiddos.

--checking out the petting zoo-- 

--Zachey is still talking about this hippo drinking fountain that made noise-- 

--monkies, definitely one of the favs-- 

--automated dinosaur exhibit-- 

--Kenna doing her best dinosaur impression-- 

--posing with the dinosaurs-- 

--we waited in line for eternity for 2 minutes in this bouncy house....oh well--

We are looking forward to many fun trips to the zoo this summer! Yay for season passes!!

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