Friday, September 07, 2012

Bad Blogger - Busy Momma

Man - I have been an awful blogger lately..I do have pictures and fun things that have happened just literally haven't had even 5 minutes to jump on here! I am going to do a quick "stuff that has been going on" blog, and then hopefully will get caught up soon!

Work for me has been supposed 3 day work weeks are trickling more and more into 4 or 5 day weeks. Frequent trips to omaha, kansas city and in a few weeks saint louis. It isn't a typical day either - its not as if I get to a store at 8 and am in my hotel room by 5...more like leaving around 6am, driving forever, hitting a few stores and hopefully in my hotel by 10pm...just exhausting.

That being said I am ECSTATIC about an opportunity that has come my way! During the school transition at Ankeny they have 3 separate buildings for the high school right now. One of them is the 10th grade building. Because they are so separate, they only have two counselors for 650 kids. One of them is going on maternity leave and has asked me to sub for her! The timing couldn't be better as I can start covering for her the week before Christmas break, work at BBY during Christmas, and then take a full leave starting the first of the year. This will be a great way to get something like this on my resume and try it out before I fully commit! What a great opportunity!!

We went to McKenna's back to school night at the end of August. Got a chance to tour her classroom and learn all about the rhythms and cool things they are doing this year. I am so happy that there are only 20 kids in McKenna's class! Lots of individual attention, and I can already tell that the behaviors have improved for all the students because of it. They have won multiple awards for good behavior and structured learning time...proud momma!!

We started Kindermusik for both older kids. Zachey is in a big boy class now where he goes in by himself (where did my baby go!?!) He walked right in on the first day, saying "See ya mom!" He just loves it and is constantly singing at home. He really has wonderful pitch, I hope he explores singing as he gets older! McKenna gets to play the dulcimer this year. It is a stringed instrument. Last year the learned the glockenspiel so she got a chance to play that form of instrument as well. She LOVES the we may have a string girl ;)

Mom came for a brief visit and we got to attend Chelsey's White Coat Ceremony. It was a big deal held at the civic center where I LOVED the messaging around compassionate medicine. I think that this school really has it figured out and am so proud and honored that Chelsey gets to attend. She has been working her fanny off, but getting great grades and really acclimating well to having zero free time and 10 classes (with like 3 tests a week!!) We had a lot of fun looking at all of the finishes mom is choosing for her house and it has walls and a foundation fun!

We had the best labor day weekend, just did a whole lot of nothing! Got stuff done around the house, had Gentry's over one night for a BBQ and one last water day before fall, and went to Andersen's another night to hang out with Cyndi and let the kids ruin their house! :)

Aside from that it is the never ending shuffle between karate (of which McKenna is excelling in!!) Kindermusik, parties, gymnastics (starting next week), while trying to fit in time to make dinner and get to the gym!! It is a crazy life, but wouldn't trade it for anything!! Unless we won the lottery and didn't have to work...may trade it for that LOL!

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