Thursday, April 11, 2013

Lots of Checkups

Zachey had his crazy run to the ER last year when we noticed one of his eyes was dilating at a different rate than the other. Apparently it is a somewhat normal condition...but is usually something you are born with and noticeable right away. We went to a long appointment a few weeks ago where they did all sorts of tests. He thought the fact that he got cool glasses after they dilated his eyes was pretty sweet. He also got to play with a train table and puzzles.

Luckily the Doc says his eyes look great! We will be getting him glasses at the end of summer when he starts school as he has a hard time seeing far away. My poor children have their mothers eyes :(

We also had his 4 year checkup. Aside from two shots, it couldn't have gone better! He is healthy as a horse (are horses that healthy really?)

Weighs in at 36 pounds (51 percentile) and is almost 41" tall (57th percentile) Tall and thin this one!

He is such a joy, and I love his curious, lovey, energetic, creative and imaginative personality! Such a character!

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