Friday, April 05, 2013

Zachey's Superhero Birthday

Let me start by saying this party was probably more for me than Zachey. He has been asking for a big boy birthday since Kenna's last year :) We went with a superhero theme. The Volmers all came, Lucy and Chloe, Grace and Macie from daycare, and Cody from Kindermusik.

I solicited the help from my family as "super hero" trainers. Each had a script and Baca TOTALLY got into it. He went above and beyond and even bought a costume as he was the "villain" :)

The kids came to the party and played for a bit until everyone got there.

Baca showed up and stole the cupcakes saying he hated parties!

Then Kenna took them through a series of warmups, as they were practicing to be superheros. She taught them some karate moves.

Next they went upstairs to hear the story of the villain and why he hated birthdays. Then they got their superhero capes.

Next Gona told them how to diffuse the "bombs" by sitting on the balloons with their bottom. When they were finished they were awarded with masks.

Finally the villain dropped poison on the party and they had to pick it up with tongs and place it into a vat of bubbling liquid. These were converted to bouncy balls.

Then Baca emerged from the basement and they got him with silly string, balls and noise makers. All was forgiven when he apologized and returned the cupcakes :).

Even Rylee dressed up

Cape Chels made for Zachey for Christmas


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