Thursday, January 08, 2015

Mary Poppins

What a magical evening! It was the fun that almost wasn't. A few Fridays ago I had purchased a special holiday treat for Kenna and I. GREAT seats to Mary Poppins. The Des Moines Playhouse always puts on a good show, but this was my second favorite of All time- second only to Wicked on Broadway. I couldn't believe the talent of the local performers! Mary was played by just a FANTASTIC talent who has performed on broadway, but was from Des Moines. 

I got a call from Kenna's school Thursday saying she had a fever and that she would have to start her Christmas break a little early. I don't think kenna realized until we were in the car that she would be missing her winter party. She just lost it, tears, sobbing, I felt so bad for her. I promised to bring her all of the goodies from the party and the craft so she wouldn't miss out. She rested all night and all day Friday and luckily said she was up to going to Mary Poppins. We went to dinner first at her favorite Huhot and then off to the theater.

Kenna was enthralled. I think I have a little theater buddy and I couldn't be happier, she simply loved every moment of it!

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