Thursday, January 08, 2015

This Darn Rope

I secretly hate this darn rope. I hate it because Zachary hates it. He loves every single second of gymnastics with the big glaring exception of this damn rope. He is scared, feels he can't do it and cries almost every time. I write this not to embarrass him, but to remember this helpless feeling as a parent.

Part of me wants my kids to experience things that are hard and that they aren't good at. Failure is good sometimes, right? But part of me wants to swoop him up and say hunny you never have to do that rope again!

It has been especially hard for my sweet Zachary this year. He is embarrassed that he can't do this and says that the other boys pick on him. I don't think this is true, because most of them cannot do it either. I think it is what he feels like they may be thinking.

Because of his impulsivity he also runs into kids that don't want to play with him because he is too rough, or because they don't want to play what he is playing. We are trying very hard to help him understand that he doesn't always get to choose the game, and what it takes to be a good friend - but I fear his little self esteem is suffering.

So, I am doing my best to give him lots of snuggles, and talk about how proud I am when he makes good choices (specifically calling out the examples.) I am also trying to tell him how special he is and what makes him special.

I am so proud of his caring heart. When someone is sad he physically gets sad. He is so very sweet and caring with his brother and the dogs, giving them a big hug or making sure they get their daily "pet time." I love how sweet natured he is. I am also so impressed with how hard he is trying at school to make good decisions. It is hard but he has made huge progress in the last few months. Not an easy task. He is also so gifted with creativity and expression. He is such a naturally good singer with the most creative mind. This is evident in his building and drawing. I also feel he has one of the most infectious laughs on the planet. I love you sweet Zachary! Keep climbing, you can do it!

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