Friday, February 15, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day

McKenna got spoiled with Valentines this year! She got candy from Cole at daycare, a gift basket of fun goodies from her nanny Heather, hugging bears from Gona and Baca, and a cute valentine from Grandma Watson!

At our house we make valentines - they are more fun that way!

Josh made me a dozen oragami roses. They are awesome! And they will keep a lot longer than real ones!

--very pretty!--

Last year Gona and Baca gave Mac an outfit from China. We have been anxiously waiting for her to fit into it! So we spent the day before Valentine's Day taking pictures to make this valentine for Daddy:

--she is the perfect subject--

We had a lot of fun shooting others as well!

--chillin on the stairs in her warrior suit--

--up close--

--calling china to thank them for the cute duds--

I had also asked Emmi to help me with a funny gift for Josh. I gave this little frog that sings and flashes you to Emmi to put in Josh's office (since they work together.) I called her at 1 because I hadn't heard from Josh. She had forgotten in all of the hubub of valentine's day with the kids. Luckily she was willing to rush home and retrieve the flashing frog. I get a frantic phone call telling me that the frog didn't work! I am willing to give up at this point, but luckily she saved the day and exchanged the frog for a working model. THANKS EMMI!!!

--Josh, you're unbelieveable :) --


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