Sunday, February 10, 2008

Tali and Nikki spend the night

Yesterday was Tali's winter ball. For whatever reason she couldn't go to the ball, but the girls did come to our house! Gona and Baca came over in the morning to help with the basement and play with Mac. Then the girls came over around 1 to hang out. They helped me make home made pizza dough. Then we put toppings on them and baked them in the oven. Josh taught them to play settlers, and we enjoyed some sparkling cider to celebrate the occasion.

--There most poshist of posh looks--

--Here they are toasting the pizza and settlers of catan--

After dinner it was time to run around and be silly. Mac LOVED Tali and Nikki and soon would rather hang out with them than lame old mom and dad. They played follow the leader, hide and go seek, and did silly things like dog pile and run around the house screaming:

--Here they are playing ballerina--

--watching nikki be a monster--

--hangin out on the floor in her "baa baa" jamies--

--one of the girls--

--playing hide and go seek (pretty good hiding place I think!)--

--here is some general sillyness--

After Mac went to bed we watched Austin Powers. Tali and Josh have been quoting the "moley moley moley" line for years, and she has never seen it! Then, I got sleepy and went to bed while everyone else stayed up and watched 28 Days Later and had popcorn.

We had such a good time with Mac's cousins! They are both so attentive and fun to hang around with! You can tell that Mac just loved playing with them! In the morning we made pancakes and I taught them how to do eyeliner without looking like a raccoon :)

We sure hope to do this again soon!!!

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