"Mommy sit down"
"no doggie, get down"
"time ew eat?" (time to eat?)
"wach la la po?" (watch lala and po) from Telletubies, she LOVES that show for some reason
"give Mommy ball"
"bea, baney, dink?" (bear, blankey, drink) before bed she gets them all together to read stories
"oh no!" very dramatic
"go po-po!" I think that is self explanatory - potty training in the near future!
"rock by baby" (rock a by baby)
"choo choo, nina nina nina nina" (choo choo, dinah dinah dinah dinah) a song we sing about a book from Kindermusik
"ah dun naw" (all done now)
"notty" (naughty)
"time go"
These are just some of the fun things she is saying. I know there are many I am missing...but thought I would write them down while I had a minute!
We are anxiously awaiting Gona and Baca's return from Africa! They should be getting home tonight! We also agreed to have Energy Doctor come out and install some thin foil lining over our insulation in the attic. It will reduce our energy bills by 25%, and is good for the environment.
I started classes two weeks ago. I am taking Psych Disorders, and Diversity. Both are very interesting, but have a lot of reading. Now I know what doctor's have to go through with all the dry subject matter. Reading a 900 page book that is meant to be a reference for mental illness is not my cup of tea!
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