Monday, April 28, 2014

Colorado Trip

I ran across these pictures when cleaning off my work computer. This was the colorado adventure that kenna went on last year with Gona and Baca...she loved it! Still talks about it to this day!

Shirt Dress

Kenna as at Gona's a few weeks ago. She was being Ms. Fashionista making dresses out of shirts :)

Leftover Birthday Pictures

Some leftover birthday pictures from Gona and daddy :)

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


Tonight we were playing outside with some play bow and arrows the kids got for xmas.

Zachey: "Mom, don't shoot the arrow so high!"
Me : "Why?"
Zachey: "Cause it will land on the clouds...."

Said in the most sincere, sad little voice....I love this kid!

Spring has Sprung then Hid....

Typical Iowa. We hit 80 degrees, I put all the winter coats away, and kids break out jackets. Then it snows the next day and we are freezing! Below is Zachey finally fitting in Kade's old jacket!! Love it!

 This past weekend, when it was so nice, Grayson helped me rake the WHOLE backyard. We were out there for 2+ hours! He is such a helper!

The willows are amazing trees and grow so fast, but man, are they messy! The pile of junk we accumulated is easily larger than Mr. G!

This past weekend, we visited the neighbors! They just finished their Seahawks basement, and this neighborhood needs very little reason to get together and eat and drink ;) I made lemon bars, and MAN were they good!

Mom is back from Arizona - boy did we miss her! And she inspired the yummy treat by bringing back the biggest juiciest lemons!

Kenna started soccer, and here she is being silly (surprise.) She insists on wearing shorts in 50 degree weather!

Zachey had the flu but only for like 12 hours....the dogs are laying with him in support. He didn't seem to mind watching TV all day and getting to drink all the juice he wanted!

Brief overview of the last few weeks! We are happy grandma rue is back, glad taxes are done, in the process of buying another rental property, and missing Gona as she is in Mexico!