Monday, June 11, 2007

Love the puppy and Josh's birthday

If you've spent any time with Mac and Rylee, you know that McKenna loves her puppy. I put some pictures below to show you how she climbs up on the sofa, sneaks up, and gives Rylee a is too cute!
--very sneaky--

--awwww Rylee hugs--

Last weekend was Josh's 29th birthday! We had ribs at our house. Everyone brought food (thanks everyone!) and I made an experimental layered lemon cake. It turned out great, and there wasn't any left, so I would say it was a hit! I got Josh an ipod for his birthday. I had cleverly hidden it and he had no idea. A few weeks ago he was picking out a new cell phone (because he dropped his...oops) and was focusing on the MP3 feature. He was sold on one and was picking out all the accessories and memory cards and I finally had to tell him not to get them because I got him an ipod. This happens every year, about 3 weeks before his birthday he buys exactly what I got him. Oh well, he likes it so I guess it doesn't matter!

--Here is Shelly (now 20 weeks pregnant) helping Mac unwrap daddy's gifts--

--Recently Mac figured out that hats go on your head, she is trying to put her hat on--

--Just a cute in your face shot--

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