Wednesday, December 17, 2008

More toddler fun-ness

Last night Kenna and I did three loads of laundry - it was so fun! I know it isn't really blog worthy, but I want to remember it :) I dumped all the dry clothes on the bed, and she picked out all her clothes and "put them away." I am sure they are in the right drawer, but doubt they are folded, but who cares! Then she pulled out all of daddy's underwear and put it away and matched all the socks up for me. Then she went into our bathroom and would walk with one dirty sock to the washing machine, constantly singing "I mommy's big helper." Instead of grabbing a handful of dirty clothes, she proceeded to go one item at a time because "clothes is stinky."

Also her new favorite phrase is either "prob-ly" or "no problem." She often uses both at the wrong time and the results are just hilarious!

Thank you for being so sweet little girl!

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