Friday, November 20, 2009

Staying Up

Kenna is OBSESSED with comparing herself to her brother. "Mommy, I'm bigger than zachary aren't I?" "Mommy, look, my feet are bigger than zachary's" "Mommy, I ate all my dinner before zachary" "Mommy, I'm not messy, but zachary is!"

Yesterday she asked "mommy, do I get to stay up later than Zachary?"
Mommy: "Yes Kenna, he goes to bed at 7:30, you go to bed at 8:30"
Kenna: "Yeah I get to stay up REALLLLLY late because I'm a three-year-old. Zero-year-olds have to go to bed early"

Ahhhh how your mind works little one! I suppose if you aren't one yet, then you must be zero :)

1 comment:

Spencer and Chelsey Shoemaker said...

I totally called babies zero when I was little too!!! :)