Monday, June 07, 2010

We were SOOO proud of McKenna's performance on Saturday. This was the first recital she ever performed in and she did just wonderfully! The recital was at a HUGE facility at ISU. Ankeny Dance rented it out for the whole weekend. The show started at 2pm so I frantically went through a mental checklist (1) outfit, check (2) ballet shoes, check (3) tap shoes for second number with teddy bear in ziplock bag with name, check (4) clothes for afterwards, check (5) hair done tightly in a ponytail, check (6) stage makeup applied, check (7) spray glitter all over, check (8) camera charged with extra memory card, check (9) snacks for Zachy, check. I felt really good!

Then disaster hit me as soon as we pulled into the parking lot in Ames...I forgot her crown!! Oh no..this school is sooo particular I was sure they weren't going to let her dance, that I would be deemed worst mother ever, and that we would be in therapy for the rest of our lives. Luckily, Gona kept a cool head, snuck off the to party store and bought a pseudo dance crown that almost was an exact replica...thank goodness for Gona!!!

--there were over 40 acts, so McKenna had to wait backstage with stage moms for her turn--

--quick picture of the curtain before it went up--

--one of the contemporary routines I caught -was really lovely!--

--the kids were so tired by the end..about 5 minutes after we left, they passed out--

--tired little dancing queen!--

I'm a little biased, but I think she stole the show! She's on the far right. The teachers chose her to lead the skipping, and the exit from the circle...she tried so very hard to do it just right...I could not have been prouder, and I was definitely sobbing by the end!

Here is the tap video, sorry the video is such poor quality? Again, such a good performance :)

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